Consent on personal information
- The collection of this personal information will be used for the purpose For trading and delivering products, organizing promotional activities by sending information via SMS or email or Line@, market research, data analysis, publicizing the company's products, contacting and researching to develop distribution channels. and providing various benefits to you
- Your personal information will be collected until you withdraw your consent. The Company will delete the personal information you have provided from the Company's database when you request to withdraw your consent.
- Your personal information may be used. or disclose it to employees, officials, or operators of the company and use or disclose it for your benefit and/or to comply with the law and/or for the purposes stated
- The company has measures in place to maintain the security of stored information. will use caution and fully protected Restrict the right to access information Unrelated others will not be allowed. Access to such information But the company does not guarantee or make any guarantees against violations, obstructions, or delays in operations due to natural disasters. The occurrence of civil unrest, viruses, data theft or hackers. technology or other people who do anything illegal in order to gain access to information which may cause damage or annoys you
- You have the right to withdraw or revoke your consent. or request a copy of information Please reveal the acquisition. or object to collection, use, disclosure, or request deletion, destruction, and de-identification. or request to suspend the use of information or request that the information be corrected You can contact us at Call Center number 02-296-9979 or email to or Line@:
- In the event that you do not provide information or request to withdraw consent or revoke consent You will not have membership status or your membership status will be canceled.
- You consent to the Company collecting, collecting, using and disclosing the information provided or available. or that the company receives or has access to from other sources and allow recipients of information from the company to collect, collect, use and disclose such information according to the purposes notified to the company
- You confirm that you have reached the age of majority. Have complete awareness Not an insane person Not an incompetent person and not being a quasi-incompetent person
I have received the details in this consent and understand it well. I, as the owner of personal data, hereby give my consent. for the company Can process, collect, use and disclose my personal information.
You can study the company's privacy policy at