Back again, WACOAL WOW SALE, a huge discount to challenge the rain, up to 70%

กลับมาอีกครั้ง WACOAL WOW SALE ลดถล่มราคาท้าสายฝน สูงสุด 70%

Wacoal underwear is comfortable to wear, both comfortable for the chest and mind and comfortable for the world. We have a promotion for our customers to feel at ease : WACOAL WOW SALE. Receive a discount of up to 70 % on comfortable bras with and without underwire. Whether the cup is small or large, it will look good on you, including pull-on bras, underwear, body-shaping pants and sleepwear. Or you can choose a set that is worth it as you like (in the participating models), including 3 bras for 1,000 baht , 6 underwear for 500 baht.

When purchasing Wacoal products totaling 3,000 baht (net) per receipt per day, receive a free Wacoal Bracation Shopping Bag worth 199 baht. Shop quickly and get your money's worth with a variety of brightly colored products that are unique and outstanding at affordable prices while maintaining Wacoal's standard quality. Only from September 19, 2024 - October 2, 2024 at the promotion area, 1st floor , Big C Extra side, Mega Bangna Shopping Center.